§ 8.11.3. Minimizing air quality impacts.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Developments create air quality impacts related to the size and scope of the project. Addressing air quality impacts at the design phase of a development can significantly reduce air emissions over the life of a project. Applicants for developments involving more than 200 dwelling units, or more than 2,000 projected vehicle trips per day, must submit an air quality mitigation plan addressing how air quality impacts will be minimized.


    The air quality management plan must identify potential sources of air emissions, identify possible strategies for minimizing emissions and propose a plan for implementing those strategies. The strategies must include those methods that are available, feasible and economically reasonable. Examples of mitigation strategies include providing transit stops; bike and walking paths; restricting wood or coal-burning fireplaces; paving roads; and collocating neighborhood-level retail services within developments.