§ 5.11.1. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this section is to establish a consistent process for naming street and roads; to establish a process for changing existing street and road names and to provide standards so street and road names are not duplicated. The terms "street" and "road" include any access drive or easement that provides access to two or more building sites or lots. This section is intended to provide street and road naming standards where the Larimer County Road Naming and Site Addressing System Resolution does not apply.

    Note: The Larimer County Road Naming and Site Addressing System Resolution can be viewed at: www.larimer.org/addressing/resolution.pdf

(Res. No. 12092003R001, Exh. A., 11-10-2003; Res. No. 05032005R001, Exh. A, 5-3-2005)